My name is Matt Cranfield. I always thought I was more of a cat person, and I had a cat when I left home; my mum had a Blue Crowned Conure Parrot. When our daughters were young, we decided to get a family pet, as Daniella and I believe caring for a pet can help children develop responsibility and empathy. We got our first family pet; we rescued a black and white domestic shorthair cat called Jellytots. After a couple of years, we introduced another cat to our family – a black domestic shorthair cat named Pickles. Our family was devastated after Jellytots died – he was a very old gentleman. Our youngest daughter was obsessed with Huskies and was desperate for a dog; Holly convinced Annie that it would be a good idea and got her onboard. We got them to do a lot of research into the breed and how to behave around dogs. This also helped me increase my knowledge. After years of persuasion, we finally added a Siberian Husky, Luna, to our family. The Dog training sessions were an excellent way for our family to learn how to train dogs and spot body language changes. It turns out that I am a cat AND dog person! I have actively encouraged Daniella to train in animal care, and she is only too happy to share what she learns with our family. From going out to work with her on my days off, I found that being around animals and watching my daughters interact safely with animals has been an absolute joy.
Matt’s Latest Articles
What Smell Do Cats Hate: 10 Scents Cats Hate
Cats dislike strong smells like citrus fruits, coffee grounds, spices, and many essential oils. Some of these substances are toxic to cats, while others irritate their nose.
Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep?
Cats have a peculiar habit of covering their faces when they sleep; in this article, we will get to the bottom of this.
Understanding Dog Food Ingredient Labels
Marketing for commercial dog food is intense, and many larger companies care more about profit than good nutrition for the dogs. Poor quality ingredients and unethical practices have resulted in new, better quality dog food companies appearing (however, some larger companies have started mimicking these ethical companies to get into the market with poorer quality…
The Importance of Feline Nutrition
Cats are obligate carnivores (true carnivores), which means they are physiologically built to survive on a meat-based diet. If cats don’t get enough animal protein in their diet, they will break down their body’s muscles and organs to survive.
10 Low-Cost Enrichment Ideas For Your Dog
Enrichment activities for your dog don’t have to cost much money. I have compiled a list of activities your dog will enjoy without breaking the bank. You can try as many or as few as you like and see which ones your dog enjoys the most.
The Importance of Good Nutrition For Dogs
All animals (including humans) need a nutritional diet to remain healthy throughout their lives. A nutritious diet provides everything the body needs to grow, heal, and function optimally throughout its life cycle and development stages. A dog can survive years without a fully nutritious diet, but that lack of nutrition will eventually lead to illness…
Can Cats Eat Bananas
>Are you wondering if cats can enjoy a bite or two of your favorite fruit, bananas? While it may seem strange, bananas are safe for our feline friends to nibble on in small amounts! Can cats eat bananas? Cats can eat bananas in small amounts, but it’s not a natural or necessary part of their…
Why Do Cats Loaf? (Fulfilling The Stereotype)
Cats loaf for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, it’s because they feel happy, calm, and at ease. A cat will assume a loaf position when it is drowsy but not sleepy, relaxed but attentive, comfortable but aware of its surroundings. If it’s cold, your cat might be conserving body heat. On the…
20 Flowers That Are Safe For Cats
But not all flowers are safe for your cat. And when you have flowers in and around your house, your cats will likely smell them, rub against them, and even try and eat them! So here’s a list of cat-safe flowers that will look stunning in your favourite vase or garden.
Why You Should Teach Your Dog To Be Calm
We all need to learn how to slow down, relax and be calm, our dogs included. However, being calm is not necessarily an innate behavior your dog will know, which is why you should teach your dog to be calm.
The Importance of Focus Training For a Husky
Huskies are notoriously independent, high-energy, determined, and mischievous. Well known for doing whatever they please and getting away with it because they are so adorable! For these reasons, you must start focus training with your Husky puppy as soon as possible.
Games To Play With A Blind Dog
So if your dog suddenly loses sight, relearning to play will help boost their confidence. Of course, a dog who is born blind will not know any different but will still want and need to play.
Living With A Blind Dog
A blind dog can have a rich life full of fun and love just as well as a sighted dog. This is because dogs don’t rely on their sight as much as humans do; smell, hearing, and touch are more important to a dog than sight.
How Long Should A Dog Pant After Exercise
Panting is how our dogs cool themselves down, and it is normal to hear them panting during exercise, play, when they are excited, or when it’s hot outside. However, there is no hard or set time limit for how long your dog should be panting, and there are many factors that will affect how long…
History of The Siberian Husky to Help Understand Their Traits
The Siberian Husky is one of fourteen ‘ancient dog breeds in existence today. With its penetrating gaze, beautiful fluffy coat, and distinctive facial markings, it is easily one of the most recognizable dog breeds around.
Why It’s Important To Train Your Dog
A dog will not automatically know what you want them to do. You will have to be prepared to teach them the behaviors that you expect from them. They will have to be taught their boundaries.
How To Clean Cats Ears: A Step By Step Guide
Unfortunately, keeping the cat’s ears in pristine condition can require cleaning and maintenance occasionally. This article will cover a step-by-step guide on cleaning your pet’s ears and avoiding ear infections or other issues.
How Long Does Gabapentin Last In Cats?
Gabapentin falls under the category of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is a pain medication that can also cause mild sedation in cats. The effect starts after 1 to 2 hours. Doses typically last between 8 to 12 hours. The risk of your cat having an adverse reaction to gabapentin is extremely low.
How To Keep Cats From Scratching Furniture
You can stop your cat from scratching furniture by buying scratching posts, making your furniture unattractive, and rubbing catnip on a cat tree. Start by placing the scratching post near your furniture and slowly move it away.
How To Help A Constipated Cat
There are a few things you can do to help ease your cat’s constipation and get them feeling better quickly! Read on for helpful information about cat constipation – from causes and symptoms through treatment options.