Cats are sensitive creatures, and they can be very particular when it comes to toileting. Consider these points if your cat is not using its litter tray.
Felis Silvestris (wildcat) is today’s domestic cat’s ancestor and wild counterpart. The wildcat is very similar to the domestic cat in that it looks similar and has the same skeletal build and the same coat as the domestic tabby; however, it is genetically different from the domestic cat.
Cats dislike strong smells like citrus fruits, coffee grounds, spices, and many essential oils. Some of these substances are toxic to cats, while others irritate their nose.
Unfortunately, keeping the cat’s ears in pristine condition can require cleaning and maintenance occasionally. This article will cover a step-by-step guide on cleaning your pet’s ears and avoiding ear infections or other issues.
But not all flowers are safe for your cat. And when you have flowers in and around your house, your cats will likely smell them, rub against them, and even try and eat them! So here’s a list of cat-safe flowers that will look stunning in your favourite vase or garden.
Gabapentin falls under the category of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is a pain medication that can also cause mild sedation in cats. The effect starts after 1 to 2 hours. Doses typically last between 8 to 12 hours. The risk of your cat having an adverse reaction to gabapentin is extremely low.
Cats change significantly in their physical appearance, maturity, and temperament during their growth process. And as a cat owner, it helps to know about all the changes your cat goes through.
You can stop your cat from scratching furniture by buying scratching posts, making your furniture unattractive, and rubbing catnip on a cat tree. Start by placing the scratching post near your furniture and slowly move it away.
The average domestic cat lives between 12 and 18 years. However, cats can live up to 20 years + under the right conditions. You can increase your cat’s lifespan by paying particular attention to their food, health, and living space and by getting them neutered or spayed.
There are a few things you can do to help ease your cat’s constipation and get them feeling better quickly! Read on for helpful information about cat constipation – from causes and symptoms through treatment options.