If done right, your puppy will learn to accept new people, locations, activities, and smells positively and grow into a well-rounded, confident adult dog.
Positive reinforcement training is my preferred style and how I trained my husky, as it considers the dog’s welfare and promotes a trusting bond between human and dog. Here are 5 secrets to mastering obedience training with your dog.
The optimal socialisation development stage is the first 4 months of your puppy’s life. Your puppy will grow into a happy and confident dog if done properly. This article highlights the common mistakes to avoid when socialising your puppy.
Dogs make a house a home, but if your dog isn’t taught how to behave appropriately, it can turn your house into chaos. This article will provide some essential, proven tips to teach your dog impeccable manners.
Dogs don’t instinctively know what behaviours we find acceptable. Training is essential for harmonious coexistence. With so many different training styles available, there are some things to know before enrolling your dog in obedience class
Socialisation is about teaching your dog the skills to navigate life in our world confidently. The ideal socialisation development stage is 4 to 4 weeks of puppyhood; however, socialisation should continue through their lives. Children are a large part of our world, and learning how to socialise your dog around kids is essential. More importantly,…
Socialising your dog is very important; it allows your dog to learn the necessary skills to navigate our human-focused world comfortably daily. The ideal socialisation stage for a dog is the first four months of its life – however, socialisation should continue throughout the dog’s life. Socialising your dog means allowing it to become comfortable…
Training your dog is one of your top priorities of having a dog in your life. It must be done whether you are training for competitions or just so your new dog companion can live in harmony with you. With these insider hacks to make training fun for your dog, you can ensure that you…
Although dogs’ peak socialisation period is from weeks 4 to 14 of puppyhood, socialisation should continue throughout their lives. No matter the dog’s age, it can still be trained and socialised. This article aims to be the ultimate guide to socialising your rescue dog.
Positive socialisation and training are fundamental in giving your puppy the necessary skills to navigate our human-focused world successfully.