Cats are sensitive creatures, and they can be very particular when it comes to toileting. Consider these points if your cat is not using its litter tray.

1. Location Location Location
Cats can feel vulnerable when toileting, but they also like being near their humans.
2. How Many Is Too Many
Each cat should have a litter tray plus one extra for multi-cat households.

I have one cat, Pickles, and one litter tray. Pickles is an indoor and outdoor cat. Pickles prefers to go to the toilet outside, but we have a litter tray indoors for when he can’t go outside.
Some cats dislike urinating and defecating in the same litter tray. So, if you find your cat is only urinating in the litter tray, you may need a separate litter tray for defecation.
3. What’s That Smell
Cats have an acute sense of smell. Their noses are around 14 times better than humans! If the litter tray hasn’t been cleaned regularly, your cat won’t want to use it.
There are a lot of scented cat litter on the market now. If you have bought a scented litter, the smell may be too overwhelming for your cat’s nose, so put it off using the litter tray.
4. That Feels Nasty
The next thing to consider if your cat still won’t use the litter tray is the texture of the litter. A cat’s paws are sensitive, and if your cat doesn’t like the feel of the litter, it won’t go into the litter tray.

My cat Pickles wouldn’t use the litter tray until I swapped it to a different litter. He didn’t like the gravel type that we had; our old cat didn’t mind it. We changed to a wood fibre litter, and it solved the problem.
5. Can’t Fit, So Can’t Sit
The litter tray must be big enough for your cat to get in and out of to do its business comfortably.
Another reason may be that the tray is too high for your cat to get in and out of. This is especially true if your cat is older.
Some cats also prefer a litter box, which has a covered lid.
6. Something Not Quite Right
If you have checked all the usual suspects, your cat used the litter tray but now doesn’t. It’s time for a check-up at the vet. Your cat may have a medical condition, making it difficult to use or get to the litter tray. If you’ve gone through the other options, it’s always safest to consult your vet.
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