Any cat person will tell you that it can get quite dicey when they decide to weave through your legs when walking! It’s even more treacherous if you happen to be on the stairs at the time.
most adult cats are lactose intolerant. Kittens have the lactase enzyme, which allows them to digest their mother’s milk easily.
Most cats are loving and affectionate, with some breeds known as more affectionate than others. But, like canines and humans, cats have their own personalities. And like other species, personalities are affected not only by genes but also by early life experiences and their environment.
The black substance is dried mucus, boogers, bogies, or snot. Cats have a black pigment, so they dry a black color when their mucus or tears dry. This can be around their nose, their eyes, or both.
No cats are truly hypoallergenic. However, some cat breeds are easier to live with if you have cat allergies. Allergies to cats don’t just depend on their fur but also on the amount of Fel D1 protein and dander they produce.
Huskies are stunning dogs. Their thick coats and distinctive markings help them stand out from the pack. As well as being striking dogs, they are also known to be independent and strong-willed. Unfortunately, these traits can make them a bit tricky to train.
Steamed or boiled broccoli is suitable for your cat. It contains many good free radicals, roughage, lowers cholesterol, and antioxidants. It can also ease an upset tummy. So if you see your cat eating quite a bit of grass, then try some broccoli to help ease their upset stomach.
However, cats can eat apples and unsweetened/homemade applesauce in small quantities and not often. Processed shop-bought applesauce should be avoided as it will contain too much sugar or other additives that can cause problems for your cat.
So, can cats drink oat milk? Oat milk can be drunk by cats. However, it should not be part of your cat’s regular diet and should only be used as an occasional treat. A tablespoon or two once a week, no more than that.
Cat’s meow to their humans to get their attention. They have several different meows to communicate different wants or needs. The chances are that the cat’s meowing before jumping is to alert you to their movement or intention.